Woman & Man: Remembering how to thrive
We meet the other gender in our families, at work, and in social settings. Our fore-mothers and fore-fathers knew how to navigate the differences. They knew what hurts, and what works. They knew how to be, and what to say. They knew their power, and the effect they had on the other gender.
Much of this knowledge, power, and wisdom was lost in the era of femininism. We found out that we can do almost everything that the other gender can do. We were told that we are all the same. Something though is not quite right. We feel it. We see the evidence of it in frustrated, bitter and confused relationships.
In this course we remember how to thrive together. We remember the power of love and respect that lies in knowing the emotional differences of the genders.
We draw on many of the ancient traditions, as well as modern studies to relearn the art of navigating our differences. We also know somewhere deep within the essence of our being, that a higher union in awakened consciousness is accessible to us.
You will receive new perspectives and tools on how to speak, act and be. You will be empowered to thrive and walk your highest calling in safety, and in honour. You will learn to walk tall as you are meant to be on Mother Earth.
About the facilitator:
Oona’s passion has always been to explore the mystery of our existence. She is a global nomad, having lived in many countries throughout her life.
Oona teaches how to use our consciousness, heart and body to overcome any obstacles. As well as having a pragmatic approach to teaching and learning, Oona has studied and worked with many of the powerful spiritual traditions from around the world, including Aztec, African, Mayan, Eskimo, North-American, Eastern and Celtic cultures. She was taken into a lineage of Mexican Curanderos and spent seven years as the personal assistant to an Angakoq – a Shaman of the Far North. Oona has a degree in mathematics, physics and chemistry. She is also a fully certificated rapid transformational hypnotherapist, and an executive firewalking instructor. She has trained as an advanced controlled remote viewer (CRV) and is passionate about Human Design (your individual operation system). Meditating is a crucial part of her every day life on earth. Her teaching makes use of such handed-down knowledge as it applies to our lives today.
People come to Oona from all walks of life. Healers, therapists, naturopaths and medical doctors in particular have shown a strong affinity to her knowledge and wisdom.
Oona teaches Applied Spiritual Sciences and is one of the world’s leading experts on consciousness and feelings. She is the author of The Brilliance of your FEELINGS.
Her home is on the West Coast of Scotland.
How to Sign Up
Apply by emailing [email protected] (Note the email address on the poster is wrong)
or Inquire via WhatsApp +447960973799